Bacciottini Pit Stop FM High Speed 16K /hr Creasing & Perforating machine

Bacciottini Pit Stop FM High Speed 16K /hr Creasing & Perforating machine


  • High-speed quality creasing at 16,000 pieces per hour
  • 3-phase suction feed pump system
  • Creasing possible on products up to 600 gsm.

The Pit Stop FM Speed creasing machine is capable of producing letterpress-quality creasing and perforating on all types of digitally printed materials. Its rise and fall platen creasing action allows for precise creasing on stock ranging from 60 to 600gsm at speeds of up to 16,000 sheets per hour. The machine also comes with a 200-location program memory, enabling quick and easy setup of up to 100 creases per sheet. Moreover, it offers the option to fit a Wiro binding punch and a two or four-hole drill punch for added flexibility. Users can also install a micro-perforating tool for high-quality micro-perforation.


ManufacturerPit Stop
Stock Number000000000